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Members of the Board in 2019 till April 2021 are:

Ms Jana Kelus
Kvalita OÜ (Chairman of the Board)

Ms Ellen Kaasik
AS Tallinna Sadam

Ms Kai Peet
AS Eesti Raudtee

Mr Tõnis Meriste
AS Eesti Energia

Ms Terje Luure
individual member

Ms Mirjam Vili
Advokaadibüroo EnvirLaw OÜ

Mr Olavi Tammemäe
individual member

Mr Harri Moora
Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn)

Members of the Board in 2019 till April 2021 are:

Ms Jana Kelus
Kvalita OÜ (Chairman of the Board)

Ms Ellen Kaasik
AS Tallinna Sadam

Ms Kai Peet
AS Eesti Raudtee

Mr Tõnis Meriste
AS Eesti Energia

Ms Terje Luure
individual member

Ms Mirjam Vili
Advokaadibüroo EnvirLaw OÜ

Mr Olavi Tammemäe
individual member

Mr Harri Moora
Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn)

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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